Region II
Pintlala, AL
*National Winner
Sustainability began as a lifestyle more than a practice seven generations ago in the mid-1820s when the farm was established. Management decisions are made with the future in mind, with a forage-based feeding program through rotational grazing a priority. Rotational grazing has been vital to improving the overall health of the farm ecosystem, soil health, forage base, watershed, livestock and wildlife. Through conservation incentives offered under the Watershed Project and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), the Carters installed 2,000 feet of water lines to two new water troughs, protected 1,250 square feet of heavy use areas and built 1,300 feet of fence to exclude cattle from Pintlala Creek. These efforts help the Carters utilize the land in the most effective way for their cow herd while protecting natural resources. In addition, being good stewards doesn’t stop at the farm gate, as both Will and Monnie Carter are veterinarians who care for other animals in their community.
“We are in the cattle business, but we are in the grass business first,” said Dr. Will Carter of Carter Cattle Company. “Our job is to manage the grass and allocate it to the cattle that then take the resource and produce something of greater value.”