Year Inducted: 2021
Region I
Homer, NY
Brothers Mike and Pete McMahon manage more than 2,500 acres of the sixth-generation family-owned dairy cattle farm and beef operation. The McMahons are dedicated to protecting the three watersheds their farm impacts by monitoring soil and water samples, stabilizing streambanks by planting willow shrubs and effectively managing manure. EZ Acres also carries the conservation message to the public through farm tours and meetings with civic groups, schools, universities and churches. “EZ Acres is on the cutting edge of conservation, technology and leadership,” said Mark Burger, program manager of the Skaneateles Lake Watershed Agricultural Program.
“Their forward-thinking management team manages fertilizer inputs, protects waterways and trout habitat, stores and times the nutrient applications of their herd’s manure, uses precision feed management and puts herd health and welfare at the heart of their operation.” - Mark Burger
“Protecting water sources is an integral part of our farm’s goal for environmental conservation,”